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Manunui - Lifeguard of the month

Reading time: 2 minutes

Hats off to, Manunui, for being named Lifeguard of the Month for November!

Aquatics Supervisor, Anna Jamieson, says from where he started as a lifeguard earlier this year to where he is now, he has really stepped up and taken on the challenge! Manunui loves a bit of banter and a good old chat, and the patrons love him for it – he can tell you a few stories and a bit of background on most of our morning regulars. He gets in and does the hard work – anything to keep moving on pool deck, and when the jobs are done he still throws his water bottle around (rugby training never stops).

The man, the legend, has really grown into the role and continues to do so. Hopefully he will be with us for a while – at least until the Force steal him away from us!

Well done Manunui, you’ve earned your place in the HBF Arena Aquatics family and we are lucky to have you on our team!

Enjoy your first summer on pool deck!